速報APP / 生活品味 / Thailand In Your Hand

Thailand In Your Hand





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Amirage International BV Spittaalstraat 54 7201 EE Zutphen Netherland

Thailand In Your Hand(圖1)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand makes the Thais in one grasp as an augmented reality and virtual reality.

The printed promotion materials such as leaflet, poster, advertisement, magazine, and newspaper will be more interactive and multifunction with the presence of augmented reality technology. Moreover, it will make the Point of Interests in Thailand can be accessible through augmented reality and virtual reality.

Thailand In Your Hand is managed by EMC Group and developed by J.SPOT

Thailand In Your Hand(圖2)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖3)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖4)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖5)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖6)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖7)-速報App

Thailand In Your Hand(圖8)-速報App